
Dover Black Slate Tile as a Substitute for Buckingham Slate

August 12, 2016

Environmentally-friendly, low maintenance, and long-lasting, slate tile has long been a favorite among contractors and architects as an enduring and aesthetically-pleasing investment. Slate tile mined from the Arviona-Buckingham belt in Virginia has been known to be a particularly strong, durable, and beautiful choice for natural roofing. More commonly known as Buckingham slate, this product has been compared to the coveted and out-of-production Monson and Peach Bottom slate tiles. With manufacturers boasting a warranty of 150 years, Buckingham slate has been titled as “one of the best slates on the market today.” We at Vermont Slate Company have the pleasure of introducing you to our Dover Black slate, which rivals Buckingham not only in its gorgeous appearance, but also in performance and longevity.

Features of Dover Slate Tile

From the quarries of Coruña, Spain, our Dover Black slate is a blue-black, heavy textured material with a level of quartz that provides an appealing, glistening sheen. In appearance, it is extremely similar to Buckingham’s blue-black slate and, like Buckingham, our Dover Black slate tile is a non-weathering and unfading stone whose color does not drastically change over time.

One of the most appealing features of Buckingham slate tile is its low absorption level, which is an excellent indicator of longevity. Comparably, our slate tile boasts the low water absorption rate of 0.14%, well below the average of many American slate products. With absorption, weather resistance, and modules of rupture all ASTM Grade S1, Dover Black’s durability guarantees a timeless finish to your project that will last a lifetime. Should the roof outlive the building, these tiles can be easily removed and transferred to another structure.

Uses of Dover Slate Tile

Due to its long life and handsome appearance, Buckingham slate tile has been a popular choice on both new, high-end homes as well as historic restoration projects. We at Vermont Slate are proud that our Dover Black is the only product approved as an alternate for Buckingham Slate on historic restorations by the National Park Service, Virginia Department of Historic Resources, and Historic Arlington Landmark Review Board.

Whether it be for residential, commercial or hospitality purposes, the enduring strength and charm of natural Dover Black slate tile is sure to add the perfect touch to any upcoming project.

Information taken from “The Slate Roof Bible” 3rd Edition, by Joseph Jenkins, pages 104 to 107.